
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I've been struggling with some writer's block for the past few days...*sighs*. It's been hard for me to come up with some ideas as to what to blog about at the moment, so one blog post "inspiration" idea I found was to list some things I'd like to do in my lifetime.
1. Backpack across Europe.
2. Visit Switzerland. My great-grandparents are from here, and I would love to visit where they used to live.
3. Learn to sail.
4. See the Olympics in person.
5. Watch the northern lights.
6. Visit all the places featured in the movie Roman Holiday.
7.  Attend Carnival in Venice.
8. Learn to speak fluent French.
9. Take a cross-country road trip to California.
10. Publish a book.
11. Go snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.
12. Visit St. Martins Theatre and see The Mousetrap.
13. Take a journey to Hawaii.
14. Swim in every ocean.
15. See the Parthenon in Greece.

What are some things you'd love to accomplish/do in your lifetime?


  1. I hate writers block! I would defiantly love to go to paris, but I don't know many others..

    1. Oh I know, it's horrible. It's crazy how you can go from having all these ideas one day, to not having any the next....Paris would be a wonderful place to visit!
